
About Tamejavi

The meaning behind the word Tamejavi

TAj laj Tshav Puam... (Hmong)
MErcado... (Spanish)
nunJAVI... (Mixteco)

Tamejavi is a word meaning "cultural market," originating from the concept of a "plaza" or place of exchange.

What is Tamejavi?

Tamejavi is a space where diverse cultures converge to express and share stories, music, food, traditions, and ways of interpreting the world. Through cultural exchange and artistic expression, Central Valley immigrants participating in Tamejavi join voices and create new bonds, thus forming a solid sense of community and establishing foundations for active civic engagement.

We need Tamejavi because it...

  • Offers a medium through which immigrants express themselves and voice their ideas.
  • Builds new relationships and understanding among immigrants and long-standing residents in the Valley who share a commitment to fostering civic participation and who seek public recognition of community diversity.
  • Opens a public space that enhances expressions of creativity to stimulate a sense of belonging and promote civic participation.